Grand Riverkeeper Labrador

International Day 2016


Ride for the River dedicated to Berta Caceres

Happy March! Spring is in the air but.. snow is still abundant around the Grand River. (aka Churchill River)

The “Ride for the River” took place on March 13. This year Grand Riverkeeper Labrador dedicated its annual Ride for the River to Berta Caceres, an environmental activist in Honduras .

From our own Activist, Roberta Benefiel:

This year is especially poignant as the Waterkeeper movement to which Grand Riverkeeper Labrador belongs has … lost one of our own to assassination in Honduras.

Berta Caceres was shot point blank in her home and the entire environmental movement is certain that she was murdered because she was a dam fighter, river protector and advocate. Berta was also the winner of the 2015 prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize Her death is mourned by all of us who strive to protect our rivers, bays, coves, and waterways around the world. This year Grand Riverkeeper Labrador will be dedicating the International Day of Action for Rivers in Labrador to Berta and her group.”

Damming the Grand River (aka. Churchill River ) will have serious implications for the people living along the waterway but we always make any event fun and this year it includes a snow mobile ride, a campfire and a boil up. On March 13 the ride followed the trail to the beautiful village of Mud Lake which will be adversely affected with the building of this dam; from the pollution which will poison the traditional food to the possibility of flooding. There will be flooding if the North Spur quick clay founders, as it has in years previous, taking with it chunks of the river bank around the dam when the dam is completed.

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